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These offerings are at the intersection of mindfulness, wellness and mental health, with a focus on application in your unique life situation. 


As local, official guidance allows partial re-opening, in-person Counseling & Mindfulness Intensives are becoming possible again, with appropriate safety measures and distancing.


Scheduling is available now for: 


Online Hourly Sessions: I'd much prefer to be in the room with you. But for now, hourly counseling sessions via phone or video conference can be scheduled most weeks between Monday and Thursday, approximately 8 AM to 5 PM EST. 

In-Person Retreats: As the COVID partial re-opening evolves, in-person Intensives are becoming available again as local conditions allow, employing social distancing and other precautions to maximize protection of your health and mine. Intensives will be conducted in well-ventilated, spacious retreat facilities, including optimizing time out of doors. Private bath, kitchen and sleeping quarters are available. Contact me at or 617-331-4654 to discuss options. 


Virtual (at-home) Retreats: A guided meditation retreat of 1 or more days in your own home, to learn or strengthen mindfulness practice, targeted for stress management and mental resilience. The daily schedule will include guided sitting and (indoor) walking meditation practice, talks on understanding meditation, mindfulness and Buddhist psychology as a self-regulation methodology. Coaching and support for making the most of what mindfulness offers for coping well with the uncertainties and challenges of the crisis. For individuals, families, groups and organizations. 


Virtual Counseling Intensives: An opportunity to dive deep into a counseling process for up to 8 hours per day. The process allows far more depth and continuity than the traditional therapy hour. Clients learn new frameworks and skills, and practice them in real time with immediate support and feedback.

We learn to cultivate adaptability, flexibility, resilience, non-reactivity, and sustained attention, among other self-regulating qualities. Therapeutic approaches include mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, acceptance commitment therapy, relationship and addiction focus, and other frameworks. A counseling intensive can be combined with a meditation retreat as appropriate. 


Email Doug now at or call 617-331-4654.

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