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Douglas Baker’s new book on walking meditation–an alternative to traditional meditation…

Five-Minute Mindfulness: Walking

Increasingly, we hear about the numerous benefits of meditation. But many of us find it difficult to sit still long enough to give it a real chance. If you’ve tried meditation but tend to be fidgety, uncomfortable or distracted—or simply can’t fit it into your schedule—it doesn’t mean you can’t meditate.

Douglas Baker’s book, Five-Minute Mindfulness: Walking, is a user-friendly guide to mindfulness in movement as an alternative and complement to the rigors of a sitting meditation practice.

This short, easy-to-read book explores mindfulness as a state of mind that can be developed while walking, and in any activity. Intended for active people living engaged lives, its concise essays—meant to be read in about five minutes each—offer an introduction to mindfulness and meditation-in-motion. The book is pocket-sized, making it easy to carry. Readers learn the ideas and simple practices of mindful walking, and how it helps  better manage moods, stress, anxiety, craving, attention deficits, and other challenges. Through mindful attention, practitioners find they are happier in their lives as mindfulness cultivates greater acceptance, focus and balance, which in turn makes one less reactive to stressful events.

Five-Minute Mindfulness: Walking is available via the publisher’s website link to online retailers. It can be found at selected Barnes & Noble stores, at the Harvard Book Store in Cambridge, MA (, and at other independent retailers.

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